On December 7th-9th, 2019, Hpmont was invited to participate the elevator exhibition in Chengdu, located in western of China.
As a main battlefield for Midwest development of China, the elevator marketing of Southwest Region has a bright future. The experts and elites got together to discuss the development and advanced technology of elevator.
In this exhibition, EURO100 and COOL100 got the full focus on site without doubt.
COOL100 is famous for its variety style and thin body in the villa elevator marketing.
EURO 100 is certainly an outstanding example in the hpmont product family because of its IOT module, bluetooth and OTA functions.
EURO100 and COOL100 fully demonstrated that the marketing demand is chaning all the time and there are more possibility of innovation in the future such as the 5G time, big-statistics and so on.
Hpmont is running on the way of innovation no matter how difficlut it is. The reliable products and sevice provide a strong protection of it.